Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Finally! O and Dr B No Longer Being a B

I just need one more high temp to confirm but I think it's safe to say I ovulated on CD22. A little late for me but I had my usual 2 days of positive OPK's followed by a temp spike on Monday morning. Good news! I know a lot of people ovulate later in their cycles but I was starting to get a little worried considering the latest I've ovulated is CD19 in the past.

My doctor emailed me last week and said that my progesterone levels I had drawn on 2/13 were not compatible with ovulation. Duh. I explained to her that I tried to call the office and reschedule but the nurses just weren't havin' it. I asked if she wanted me to come in when my chart says I'm 7dpo and she agreed that this would be a good idea. At least I feel like people are starting to listen to me. I know she sees many many patients a day but I know my body (or at least I know it better than she does) and I'm glad that she's finally listening to what I have to say about my charts. 7dpo will be Sunday so I'll head in on Monday and hopefully have my results the next day so I can schedule a follow up with her if needed.

I don't have many thoughts or feelings about this cycle yet. I am just not sure what to make of it. I want to be hopeful but then I wonder if there's even any point in thinking that I might actually be pregnant this cycle. I'm thinking the one good thing about this cycle is that at the end of it (pregnant or not) it will be March. That means we're finally getting closer to spring and warm weather!


  1. Yay, I'm glad you O'd! The exact same thing happened to me with my dr's office telling me I had to come in for B/W even though I told them I hadn't O'd yet. Apparently they only believe you once the b/w confirms it. Very annoying.

  2. Yay for O! Hope the b/w is able to provide some answers.
