Friday, March 15, 2013

First Appointment

I had my first appointment on Wednesday and aside from the almost hour wait in the waiting room it went well!

The wait made me really nervous because I already wasn't sure of what to expect. When they finally called us back I peed in a cup, got my weight and blood pressure and was immediately taken into the ultrasound room!

While waiting for the doctor Matt suggested we take a picture of me holding the internal ultrasound camera and send the pic to our families as our announcement. Men.

The appointment was pretty quick. Dr. B did an ultrasound and measured me at about 5w5d although I decided I was going to keep my 5w3d time frame. We saw the sac and Dr. B said she thought she saw the fetal pole which made me really excited! Because she's just estimating 5w3d right now I'll go back on April 1 for another ultrasound! Ahh! So exciting. Definitely trying to find things to do to pass the time for the next 2 weeks!

After work on Wednesday I went to dinner with two of my best girlfriends. They are the sweetest girls in the entire world and bought me gifts! My friend Kelli got me baby pajamas in different sizes and colors and they are oh-so-soft!!! Love them! Chelsea got me diapers and wipes and also gave me a few maternity items. I have the best friends a girl could ask for!

I'll leave you with an ultrasound picture - time to get the cheesecake out of the oven!!

Monday, March 11, 2013

5 Weeks

Today I am 5 weeks pregnant. I still don't think it's fully hit me. I. Am. Pregnant! I've only said those words out loud a few times, and I love hearing it every single time. I'm not sure if it'll ever get old.

I don't feel any different yet aside from the many pee breaks I've been taking. I always thought it was weird when newly pregnant women claimed to have to pee a lot because I thought that didn't start happening until the baby was bigger and was pushing down on your bladder. Boy was I wrong.

I have had a few bouts of nausea which I can't complain about (yet) because they've been so light and easy to manage. I'm a little more tired than I normally am, but other than that I feel great/normal!

I have yet to step away from the pee sticks and temping and to be honest with you, I have NO idea why I'm still temping. I guess I'll stop after my first appointment. I still have a TON of pee sticks though so I feel like I have to use them up :) Maybe I'll stop those after my first appointment also.

Speaking of appointments, I have an appointment tomorrow morning at 8am for a blood draw and lots of information from the nurse and on Wednesday I have my first appointment with my doctor! I'm really excited for both but can hardly contain my excitement for my Wednesday appointment. I have NO idea what happens at that appointment, I can only hope for an ultrasound - even though it will be too early to see a baby - I'd still love to see the sac and make sure everything is in the right place! I'm assuming my appointments got scheduled so early because they are using my LMP which would put me at just over 6 weeks, I know this isn't correct and my doctor will realize that soon too, but hey, I'll take it!!

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Remember When I Said...

On to cycle 7? Well. I was wrong.

I am in complete and total shock right now. I definitely thought I was out when I started spotting on Tuesday. I started to get slightly hopeful on Monday after I got my blood drawn. I went back to work and though out the day I had what I can only describe as a fluttering/muscle spasm sensation in the area where my uterus is. I didn't think I was pregnant because of this muscle spasm like feeling, I just thought it was strange that I'd never felt that before. My boobs were still hurting and I thought they'd be back to normal at that point too so that was giving me a little hope. And then on Tuesday I started spotting and was preparing for cycle 7.

Still thinking that I'm out and preparing for the spotting to continue I went to work on Wednesday but noticed that I didn't really spot at all. I still thought that we were done. Thursday I had just a little spotting and on Friday it was pretty much back to nothing. I thought that was weird but again, I still thought that we were on to the next cycle.

This morning I got up to temp and my temp went up just ever so slightly. Normally it's on a downward spiral so I laid in bed for 30 minutes debating whether or not I would take a test. Finally I just decided to do it because I've seen negative tests before and I already thought it wasn't my cycle so I thought I wouldn't be too disappointed by a negative test. I PIAC and dipped a Wondfo. After about a minute I wasn't seeing anything so I dumped the rest of the pee. I came back to the Wondfo and there was just the faintest of faint lines. I took a picture of it and was going to send it to my BFF Kelli just to make sure I wasn't seeing things. I thought better of it though because it was 6am and her daughter had a tummy bug yesterday and I knew she'd either be sleeping or just plain exhausted. By the time the 5 minute mark rolled around there was no question as to whether or not a line was there. I was mad that I dumped the rest of my pee because I couldn't confirm on a FRER.

Now I'm sitting on the bathroom floor in shock. There's a line. I am pregnant. How do I tell Matt? Do I do what I've been planning, wrap the onesie and books I'd purchased months ago and send him on his scavenger hunt? Would he know something was up? He'd fallen asleep on the couch watching TV last night so I grabbed the Wondfo, went down stairs, sat on the edge of the couch, tapped him until he woke up, and said, "What are you doing?" He groggily woke up and said, "Huh? I'm sleeping. What does it look like I'm doing?"

I explained to him that I temped earlier that morning and that my temperature went up when I was fully expecting it to go down. He still not fully awake just agreed with me that it was strange. I told him that I took a test and that it had two lines. He opened his eyes and said, "Two lines on the pregnancy test? Are you sure?" He turned on the light and I handed him the test. Two lines!!

I still am having a hard time believing it. The only "symptoms" I currently have are sore boobs and have been peeing like crazy, but that's normal for me so I try not to count that.

According to FF my EDD is 11/10/13.

AHHHH! Is this real?!