Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Dear Doctor...

Dear Dr. B,

I thought we were on good terms. I thought you were starting to understand my cycles. So why today when I called your office to tell them that I haven't ovulated -and don't think I should still come in for a 7dpo progesterone draw- did your office staff seem so confused? "Dr. B has very strict orders for you to come in tomorrow. Dr. B says your cycles are 32 days and you need to come in and have your blood drawn tomorrow," they tell me. Are you sure she wants me to come in tomorrow if I haven't even ovulated? I don't think that's going to accomplish much, I tell them.

I'm so disappointed in you, Dr. B. I thought we had something good going! You looked at my charts. You liked them! How did you miscalculate this so horribly? Please rectify.


Clearly I'm having issues with my doctor's office. They want me to come in tomorrow to have my blood drawn per my doctor's work up. They don't seem to understand that having my blood drawn before I ovulate isn't going to do anything. Dr. B would understand, if I could just get in touch with her to tell her this! The nurse told me that if my results come back and indicate that I haven't ovulated I could come back in later in the month and do it again. Great! Just wanted I wanted, to spend 2 of my lunch breaks getting my blood drawn and spending money on another blood draw when I know the first one isn't needed!

Also, I haven't gotten a positive OPK yet. Normally I get them on CD 17 which is today. That makes me nervous and stresses me out. I can't remember if I have a fade in pattern on my OPKs or not. I'm guessing not because I think if I did I would remember. I'm definitely going to be testing a ton in the next few days just because it will make me feel better and I have the OPKs to spare.

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