Monday, April 29, 2013

12 weeks 2 days

I haven't been very good about posting weekly bump updates and I haven't taken any bump pictures yet but I am going to start. Soon!!! Here's what I should have posted on Saturday!

How far along? 12 weeks 2 days! 
Total weight gain: Although I feel like I've gained 10 pounds, no weight gain yet. 
Maternity clothes? Maternity pants (so much more comfortable) and I ordered some tops but am sending them back because I don't love them. I'm running out of flowy tops to wear! 
Stretch marks? no
Sleep: Sleeping very well aside from getting up to pee 3-4 times a night!
Best moment this week: We had out NT scan today and the tech said everything looked great! We should get the bloodwork back in just a few days. It was awesome getting to see our little boy/girl moving around. We even got a wave! The tech said that if she HAD to guess she'd guess we were having a little girl. Just a few more weeks until we find out for sure! :)
Miss Anything? I just found out today I can't eat brats and I'm already missing them. Also, we went to a graduation part over the weekend and Sangria was served so I miss that and margaritas too!
Movement: No movement yet, I did find out that I have an posterior placenta so the tech said that is good for being able to feel movement sooner! I can't wait!!
Food cravings: Cravings have been lasting about 10 seconds right now so if I can't get a milkshake, cookie, chicken fried rice within that time frame it's over and usually ends up sounding kind of gross. I guess that's not a bad thing.  
Anything making you queasy or sick: Still feeling a little nauseous at night but it's tons better than it has been!
Gender: Elective gender scan is scheduled for 5/17! A few more weeks and we'll know!
Labor Signs: No!
Symptoms: Slight nausea and exhaustion are the most prominent right now. I've had a few headaches lately which I've heard pop up in second tri. 

Belly Button in or out? Innie!! 
Wedding rings on or off? On and loose!
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy 90% of the time!
Looking forward to: Our gender scan in 3 weeks and our anatomy scan in June! 

Here are some pictures we got today: 

Baby D waving to us! <3

According to the Nub Theory Baby D's nub is not at an angle (it's parallel to where his/her spine would be) this apparently means it's a girl! If it was pointed up it would be a boy! According to google the nub theory is 75% accurate :)

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

10 weeks 4 days

Well, now that it's been over a month since my last post, let me just tell you my reasoning behind not posting. Morning Sickness. Plain and simple. It's not fun. It's worse than I ever could have imagined. I always knew m/s would be a possibility upon getting pregnant, but for some reason I just always thought that maybe I'd get lucky and get skipped over since I've prayed and prayed and prayed that I wouldn't have morning sickness ever since I knew I wanted to become a mom (and found out that morning sickness is a real thing).

Most of you probably don't know but I have this huge irrational fear of vomit. I know 99% of the world think it's gross but my fears just go way beyond that. I want no part of it. It's so bad that when I go into the bathroom at work I have to quickly glance under all the stalls to see which way the feet are pointed before I fully walk into the bathroom. So anyway, I thought that with this huge aversion to vomit, I'd get lucky and not suffer through morning sickness. No such luck.

I will say weeks 6, 7, and 8 were the absolute worse. I even cried to my boss so she'd let me work from home for one measly day. I don't cry at work. Ever. I think I'm slowly starting to feel better but I do still have my off days. I'm really looking forward to finally getting past this so I can fully enjoy pregnancy.

I had an appointment back on 4/1 and we got to see our little one's heartbeat which was such a relief. We ended up telling our friends/immediate family at that point at well. I was 8w2d at the time and we felt that they should know just in case we ended up having to cancel plans at the last minute if I wasn't feeling well.

My next appointment is on 4/29, I'll be 12w2d and we actually have the NT Scan first and then immediately after we head to my doctor's office where we will get to hear the heartbeat. I actually ordered an Angelsounds Fetal Doppler from Amazon and got it yesterday. We searched for about an hour to find the heartbeat with no success. We thought we found it but it seemed really low so after some research we discovered that was actually my own heartbeat in an artery near my uterus. :) I tried it again today after work and finally found that quick beating heart! It made it feel so much more real to be able to hear the heartbeat of the little baby that's growing inside of me! I'm definitely excited for the hubs to get home to try and find it again!

I'll hopefully be starting my chalkboard weekly updates soon but each time I think I'm ready to get creative with it I start feeling sick and lounging on the couch just seems so much better. There's no bump right now anyway, just a little bloat. Maybe week 11 or 12 will be a good start!

Thanks for listening to my long update today! Hopefully it won't be so long in between posts next time! :)