Friday, March 15, 2013

First Appointment

I had my first appointment on Wednesday and aside from the almost hour wait in the waiting room it went well!

The wait made me really nervous because I already wasn't sure of what to expect. When they finally called us back I peed in a cup, got my weight and blood pressure and was immediately taken into the ultrasound room!

While waiting for the doctor Matt suggested we take a picture of me holding the internal ultrasound camera and send the pic to our families as our announcement. Men.

The appointment was pretty quick. Dr. B did an ultrasound and measured me at about 5w5d although I decided I was going to keep my 5w3d time frame. We saw the sac and Dr. B said she thought she saw the fetal pole which made me really excited! Because she's just estimating 5w3d right now I'll go back on April 1 for another ultrasound! Ahh! So exciting. Definitely trying to find things to do to pass the time for the next 2 weeks!

After work on Wednesday I went to dinner with two of my best girlfriends. They are the sweetest girls in the entire world and bought me gifts! My friend Kelli got me baby pajamas in different sizes and colors and they are oh-so-soft!!! Love them! Chelsea got me diapers and wipes and also gave me a few maternity items. I have the best friends a girl could ask for!

I'll leave you with an ultrasound picture - time to get the cheesecake out of the oven!!


  1. so happy for you, this appt. must've been so exciting!! :)

  2. Congrats lady! Also, just wanted to make sure you know your full name is in the u/s pic. Best of luck and can't wait for more updated :D

    1. Thanks! Wasn't even thinking abut that when I added it!! :) Hope it's not too late!

  3. Awwww! Congrats! Nom Nom Nom! You got me wanting cheesecake now!
