Monday, April 29, 2013

12 weeks 2 days

I haven't been very good about posting weekly bump updates and I haven't taken any bump pictures yet but I am going to start. Soon!!! Here's what I should have posted on Saturday!

How far along? 12 weeks 2 days! 
Total weight gain: Although I feel like I've gained 10 pounds, no weight gain yet. 
Maternity clothes? Maternity pants (so much more comfortable) and I ordered some tops but am sending them back because I don't love them. I'm running out of flowy tops to wear! 
Stretch marks? no
Sleep: Sleeping very well aside from getting up to pee 3-4 times a night!
Best moment this week: We had out NT scan today and the tech said everything looked great! We should get the bloodwork back in just a few days. It was awesome getting to see our little boy/girl moving around. We even got a wave! The tech said that if she HAD to guess she'd guess we were having a little girl. Just a few more weeks until we find out for sure! :)
Miss Anything? I just found out today I can't eat brats and I'm already missing them. Also, we went to a graduation part over the weekend and Sangria was served so I miss that and margaritas too!
Movement: No movement yet, I did find out that I have an posterior placenta so the tech said that is good for being able to feel movement sooner! I can't wait!!
Food cravings: Cravings have been lasting about 10 seconds right now so if I can't get a milkshake, cookie, chicken fried rice within that time frame it's over and usually ends up sounding kind of gross. I guess that's not a bad thing.  
Anything making you queasy or sick: Still feeling a little nauseous at night but it's tons better than it has been!
Gender: Elective gender scan is scheduled for 5/17! A few more weeks and we'll know!
Labor Signs: No!
Symptoms: Slight nausea and exhaustion are the most prominent right now. I've had a few headaches lately which I've heard pop up in second tri. 

Belly Button in or out? Innie!! 
Wedding rings on or off? On and loose!
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy 90% of the time!
Looking forward to: Our gender scan in 3 weeks and our anatomy scan in June! 

Here are some pictures we got today: 

Baby D waving to us! <3

According to the Nub Theory Baby D's nub is not at an angle (it's parallel to where his/her spine would be) this apparently means it's a girl! If it was pointed up it would be a boy! According to google the nub theory is 75% accurate :)

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